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Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC) Solar Water Heater

MOMMLEY Evacuated Tube configured solar hot water systems consist of a ground mounted tank and roof mounted Evacuated Tube collectors, and has been designed to provide energy efficient water heating and installation flexibility, without compromising the aesthetics of the home. The use of high efficiency evacuated tubes ensure maximum absorption of Solar energy & the high quality insulation of the tank ensures negligible drop in hot water temperature in nights or cold climatic condition. It is helping our several valued users to substantially save their electricity bills or other fuel like gas, diesel etc.

In the Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC) based Solar Water Heaters, Evacuated Tube Collector is made of double layer borosilicate glass tubes evacuated for providing insulation. The outer wall of the inner tube is coated with selective absorbing material. This helps absorption of solar radiation and transfers the heat to the water which flows through the inner tube.

Flat Plate Collectors (FPC) Systems

MOMMLEY Flat Plate configured solar hot water systems consist of a ground mounted tank and roof mounted flat plate collectors, and has been designed to provide energy efficient water heating and installation flexibility, without compromising the aesthetics of the home.

In the Flat Plate Collector (FPC) based Solar Water Heaters the solar radiation is absorbed by Flat Plate Collectors which consist of an insulated outer metallic box covered on the top with glass sheet. Inside there are blackened metallic absorber (selectively coated) sheets with built in channels or riser tubes to carry water. The absorber absorbs the solar radiation and transfers the heat to the flowing water.

Pressurized Solar Water Heaters

In the Pressurized system, heat exchangers are installed to protect the system from hard water and Pressure Pumps. The forced circulation systems employ Pressure pumps to circulate the water through collectors and storage tanks. They are suitable for hard water region and pressure pump using sites.

Non Pressurized Solar Water Heaters

In the Non-Pressurized system, the water in the system is open to the atmosphere at one point or other. These systems are simple and relatively inexpensive. They are suitable for domestic and small institutional systems.

  • Category:Solar Water Heaters
  • Company:MOMMLEY
  • Started On:October 28th 2019 as a LLP [LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP]